Products related to Trustworthy:
Audials Movie 2025
Audials Movie 2025 – Der ultimative Streaming-Recorder für grenzenlosen Filmgenuss In einer Zeit, in der Filme und Serien fast ausschließlich über Streaming-Plattformen konsumiert werden, ist es ein echter Vorteil, Inhalte dauerhaft speichern zu können. Mit Audials Movie 2025 haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Lieblingsinhalte aufzunehmen und zu speichern – in höchster Qualität und ohne Kompromisse. Diese Software ist Ihr Schlüssel zu einer persönlichen, gut organisierten Mediathek. Doch was genau macht Audials Movie 2025 so besonders. Audials Movie 2025 ist eine innovative Software, die Ihnen erlaubt, Videos von Streaming-Diensten wie Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ und vielen anderen aufzuzeichnen. Dank ihrer intelligenten Technik können Sie Ihre Lieblingsinhalte ohne Qualitätsverlust speichern und später jederzeit offline genießen. Wenn Sie Filme und Serien lieben, sollten Sie unbedingt Audials Movie 2025 kaufen , um diese Freiheit zu erleben. Warum Audials Movie 2025 kaufen Sie fragen sich, warum Sie gerade diese Software nutzen sollten Hier sind die wichtigsten Gründe: Top-Qualität garantiert: Egal, ob Full HD oder 4K – Audials Movie 2025 sichert Ihnen stets gestochen scharfe Aufnahmen mit der besten Bildwiederholungsrate. Automatisches Tagging: Alle wichtigen Metadaten wie Titel, Genre und Beschreibung werden direkt hinzugefügt, um Ihre Mediathek optimal zu organisieren. Blitzschnelle Aufnahmen: Dank modernster Technik werden Filme schneller als je zuvor aufgenommen, indem sie in mehrere Teile gesplittet und gleichzeitig verarbeitet werden. Kompatibel mit allen gängigen Streaming-Diensten: Ob Netflix, Amazon oder YouTube – Sie können alles aufnehmen, was Sie wollen. Wie funktioniert Audials Movie 2025 Die Bedienung von Audials Movie 2025 ist kinderleicht. Nach der Installation wählen Sie einfach den gewünschten Streaming-Dienst und starten die Aufnahme. Die Software erkennt das Video, wählt die beste Qualität und speichert den Film oder die Serie auf Ihrem Gerät. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen zahlreichen Formaten wie MP4, WMV, AVI und vielen mehr. Speichern Sie alle Inhalte – jederzeit und überall Mit Audials Movie 2025 können Sie Inhalte aus Streaming-Diensten dauerhaft sichern, selbst wenn diese später nicht mehr verfügbar sind. So bauen Sie sich Ihre eigene Videothek auf, ganz ohne Sorge, dass Ihre Lieblingsfilme irgendwann verschwinden könnten. Ein weiteres Plus: Mit dem Aufnahmeplaner können Sie ganze Staffeln oder Filmlisten automatisch aufnehmen lassen. Ihre persönliche Videosammlung – organisiert und gepflegt Wer kennt es nicht Man hat unzählige Filme und Serien gespeichert, aber keine Ordnung. Hier kommt das integrierte Mediathek-Management von Audials Movie 2025 ins Spiel. Die Software organisiert Ihre Sammlung automatisch mit Tags und Metadaten, sodass Sie immer den Überblick behalten. So wird das Suchen nach einem bestimmten Titel zum Kinderspiel. Weitere Vorteile von Audials Movie 2025 Keine Werbung: Werbeeinblendungen werden automatisch erkannt und entfernt – für ein ungestörtes Filmerlebnis. Untertitel-Unterstützung: Speichern Sie Untertitel in jeder gewünschten Sprache und fügen Sie diese direkt in Ihre Aufnahmen ein. Videoschnitt-Editor: Mit dem integrierten Editor können Sie Ihre Aufnahmen ganz einfach bearbeiten, unerwünschte Szenen entfernen oder Videos in kleinere Clips schneiden. Breite Formatunterstützung: Unterstützt alle gängigen Videoformate wie MP4, AVI, MKV und viele mehr, in Full HD oder sogar 4K. Immer aktuelle Software: Regelmäßige Updates sorgen dafür, dass Audials Movie 2025 stets mit den neuesten Streaming-Diensten kompatibel bleibt. Streaming-Dienste und Live-Streams aufnehmen Mit Audials Movie 2025 können Sie nicht nur Streaming-Dienste aufnehmen, sondern auch Live-Streams und Mediatheken wie das Erste, ZDF, RTL oder sogar internationale Dienste wie Twitch und Facebook Live. Die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt, und das Beste daran: Die Aufnahmen erfolgen völlig automatisiert und in der besten verfügbaren Qualität. Audials Movie 2025 kaufen und grenzenlosen Filmgenuss erleben Wenn Sie eine zuverlässige und benutzerfreundliche Software suchen, um Ihre Lieblingsinhalte von Streaming-Diensten aufzunehmen, sollten Sie unbedingt Audials Movie 2025 kaufen . Mit Funktionen wie blitzschnellen Aufnahmen, automatischer Werbungserkennung, einem integrierten Videoschnitt-Editor und einer benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche bietet diese Software alles, was Sie brauchen. Bauen Sie sich Ihre eigene Videothek auf, speichern Sie Inhalte in höchster Qualität und genießen Sie jederzeit Ihre Lieblingsfilme – offline und ohne Kompromisse. Systemanforderung Details Betriebssystem Windows 11 und Windows 10 (64 bit) CPU 1 GHz RAM 4 GB Festplattenspeicher 1 GB für die Installation Internetverbindung Breitband-Internetzugang
Price: 24.67 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
Audials Vision 2025
Audials Vision 2025 – Die Zukunft der Medienbearbeitung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz Audials Vision 2025 ist eine hochmoderne Softwarelösung für all jene, die das Maximum aus ihrer Musik- und Videosammlung herausholen möchten. Mit leistungsstarker künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) bietet Audials Vision einzigartige Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung, Bearbeitung und Verwaltung von Medieninhalten. Ob Sie Musik in 96 kHz Studioqualität erleben oder Ihre Lieblingsfilme in 4K hochskalieren möchten – Audials Vision 2025 bietet Ihnen ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis. Das Programm Audials Vision 2025 ist eine umfassende Medienmanagement-Software, die speziell entwickelt wurde, um Musik, Videos und TV-Sendungen in höchster Qualität zu organisieren, zu verbessern und zu genießen. Mit der integrierten KI können unscharfe Videos in gestochen scharfe 4K-Auflösung hochskaliert werden. Gleichzeitig hebt Audials Vision die Qualität Ihrer Musik auf ein völlig neues Niveau, indem es Frequenzen erweitert und die Dynamik von Audiodateien optimiert. Funktionen und Highlights von Audials Vision 2025 KI-unterstützte Videooptimierung: Verwandeln Sie unscharfe und alte Aufnahmen in kristallklare Videos mit bis zu 4K-Auflösung. Die KI analysiert jedes einzelne Bild, entfernt Rauschen und verbessert die Bildschärfe erheblich. Auch alte Heimvideos oder heruntergeladene Filme erhalten durch Audials Vision 2025 eine beeindruckende visuelle Qualität. Studioqualität bei Musik: Audials Vision bringt Ihre Musik auf 96 kHz Studioqualität. Dank der KI werden die Frequenzbereiche von Musiktiteln erweitert, um kristallklare Höhen und detailreiche Tiefen zu erzeugen. Ihre Musik klingt besser als je zuvor – und das gilt sowohl für Ihre bestehende Sammlung als auch für neue Aufnahmen. Schnellere Video-Skalierung dank Cloud-Unterstützung: Nutzen Sie die immense Rechenleistung der Cloud, um Ihre Videos bis zu zehnmal schneller hochzuskalieren. Das Ergebnis sind Filme und Videos in atemberaubender 4K-Qualität, und das in kürzester Zeit. Wählen Sie zwischen schnellen KI-Modellen für sofortige Ergebnisse oder maximieren Sie die Qualität mit detaillierten Optimierungseinstellungen. Videobearbeitungstools: Mit dem integrierten Videoeditor können Sie unerwünschte Teile oder schwarze Balken mühelos aus Ihren Videos entfernen und die bearbeiteten Clips als neue Dateien exportieren. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist intuitiv und ermöglicht eine präzise Bearbeitung Ihrer Videos, ohne dass Sie Experte sein müssen. Multiformat-Unterstützung: Audials Vision unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Formaten, darunter MP3, MP4, AVI, MOV und viele mehr. Egal, welche Datei Sie haben – mit Audials Vision können Sie sie abspielen, konvertieren und in hoher Qualität speichern. Musikorganisation mit intelligenten Tools: Die Software ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Musikbibliothek effizient zu verwalten. Sie können Playlists erstellen, Titel automatisch taggen und fehlende Informationen ergänzen. Dank der KI werden sogar Albumcover und Songtexte automatisch hinzugefügt, um Ihre Sammlung noch ansprechender zu gestalten. Unterstützung von Streaming-Diensten: Audials Vision ermöglicht es Ihnen, Videos und Musik von allen gängigen Streaming-Plattformen aufzunehmen, zu speichern und in höchster Qualität zu konvertieren. So können Sie Ihre Lieblingsinhalte offline genießen, wann und wo Sie möchten. Audials Vision 2025 – Die Vorteile im Überblick Perfektionierte Medienqualität: Mit KI-Optimierungen werden Ihre Audio- und Videodateien auf ein nie dagewesenes Qualitätsniveau gehoben. Einfache Bedienung: Trotz der fortschrittlichen Funktionen bleibt Audials Vision benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv bedienbar. Umfassende Kompatibilität: Unterstützt alle gängigen Dateiformate sowie Streaming-Dienste und bietet erweiterte Funktionen für das Konvertieren und Optimieren. Zukunftssicher: Regelmäßige Updates und neue KI-Modelle sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Medien stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik bleiben. Für wen ist Audials Vision 2025 geeignet Audials Vision 2025 richtet sich an alle, die ihre Medien auf höchstem Niveau erleben möchten. Von Musikliebhabern, die Studioqualität genießen wollen, bis hin zu Videofans, die ihre Lieblingsfilme in gestochen scharfer 4K-Qualität sehen möchten – Audials Vision ist die perfekte Lösung für jeden, der das Beste aus seiner Mediensammlung herausholen will. Besonders für Nutzer, die Medien von verschiedenen Plattformen speichern und bearbeiten möchten, bietet Audials Vision umfassende Möglichkeiten. Systemanforderungen Um die bestmögliche Leistung von Audials Vision 2025 zu gewährleisten, sollten die folgenden Systemanforderungen erfüllt werden: Komponente Mindestanforderungen Empfohlene Anforderungen Betriebssystem Windows 10 oder Windows 11 (64-Bit) Windows 10 oder Windows 11 (64-Bit) Prozessor 1,5 GHz CPU Intel i5, i7 oder vergleichbar RAM 4 GB 8 GB oder mehr Festplattenspeicher Mindestens 1 GB für die Installation Mehrere 10 GB für HD-Videoaufnahmen Grafikkarte Integrierte Gra...
Price: 42.32 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 36.67 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 30.32 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 48.67 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 43.73 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 50.79 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 35.97 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 29.61 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 28.20 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 25.38 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £ -
G DATA Endpoint Protection Business
G DATA ENDPOINT PROTECTION BUSINESS 14.2 The all-inclusive, worry-free package for networks of any size Thanks to G DATA Endpoint Protection Business, companies are protected in several ways at once: The active hybrid protection reliably secures the IT systems against all online dangers and reacts proactively to new threats. In addition to malware protection, an anti-spam module and integrated exploit and anti-ransomware protection, the network solution also has a policy manager with which administrators can ensure compliance with their policies with regard to Internet, device and software use. My data stays in Germany! In 2011, G DATA signed a TeleTrust voluntary commitment. The result: a "no backdoor" guarantee. Through it, the Bochum-based IT company undertakes not to provide gaps in security solutions for intelligence services. G DATA leaves no backdoors open, thus ensuring not only the best possible but also trustworthy protection against online threats. This point in particular is very important for companies who also take privacy and the forthcoming EU data protection basic regulation (EU-DSGVO) very seriously. G DATA also promises that the collection of personal data and telemetry information will be reduced to a minimum. This procedure already ensures that the principle of the EU-DSGVO is observed - and even more: the processing of this information and data also takes place in Germany. System requirements: G DATA Business Solutions Download size 3.2 GB Estimated download time DFÜ (56 kBit/s) 126 hours 59 minutes DSL/Cable (256 kBit/s) 27 hours 47 minutes DSL/Cable (768 kBit/s) 9 hours 16 minutes DSL/Cable (1.6 MBit/s) 4 hours 44 minutes DSL/Cable (6 MBit/s) 1 hour 11 minutes DSL/Cable (16 MBit/s) 27 min
Price: 28.20 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
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Unstoppable Domains is a legitimate company that offers blockchain-based domain names. They have received positive reviews from users and have partnerships with reputable organizations in the blockchain space. However, as with any online service, it is important to do your own research and exercise caution when using their services. Overall, Unstoppable Domains appears to be trustworthy, but it is always recommended to proceed with caution and conduct your own due diligence before making any transactions.
Is Eneba trustworthy?
Eneba is generally considered a trustworthy platform for purchasing digital games and gift cards. They have a good reputation among customers for providing legitimate products and reliable customer service. However, as with any online marketplace, it is always recommended to exercise caution and do your own research before making a purchase.
Is Maxxim trustworthy?
Maxxim's trustworthiness can vary depending on individual experiences and perspectives. Some customers may find Maxxim to be trustworthy based on their positive interactions and satisfaction with the company's services. However, others may have had negative experiences that have led them to question Maxxim's trustworthiness. It is important to conduct thorough research, read reviews, and consider personal preferences before making a decision about whether to trust Maxxim.
* All prices are inclusive of VAT and, if applicable, plus shipping costs. The offer information is based on the details provided by the respective shop and is updated through automated processes. Real-time updates do not occur, so deviations can occur in individual cases.