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  • Audials Movie 2025
    Audials Movie 2025

    Audials Movie 2025 – Der ultimative Streaming-Recorder für grenzenlosen Filmgenuss In einer Zeit, in der Filme und Serien fast ausschließlich über Streaming-Plattformen konsumiert werden, ist es ein echter Vorteil, Inhalte dauerhaft speichern zu können. Mit Audials Movie 2025 haben Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Lieblingsinhalte aufzunehmen und zu speichern – in höchster Qualität und ohne Kompromisse. Diese Software ist Ihr Schlüssel zu einer persönlichen, gut organisierten Mediathek. Doch was genau macht Audials Movie 2025 so besonders. Audials Movie 2025 ist eine innovative Software, die Ihnen erlaubt, Videos von Streaming-Diensten wie Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ und vielen anderen aufzuzeichnen. Dank ihrer intelligenten Technik können Sie Ihre Lieblingsinhalte ohne Qualitätsverlust speichern und später jederzeit offline genießen. Wenn Sie Filme und Serien lieben, sollten Sie unbedingt Audials Movie 2025 kaufen , um diese Freiheit zu erleben. Warum Audials Movie 2025 kaufen Sie fragen sich, warum Sie gerade diese Software nutzen sollten Hier sind die wichtigsten Gründe: Top-Qualität garantiert: Egal, ob Full HD oder 4K – Audials Movie 2025 sichert Ihnen stets gestochen scharfe Aufnahmen mit der besten Bildwiederholungsrate. Automatisches Tagging: Alle wichtigen Metadaten wie Titel, Genre und Beschreibung werden direkt hinzugefügt, um Ihre Mediathek optimal zu organisieren. Blitzschnelle Aufnahmen: Dank modernster Technik werden Filme schneller als je zuvor aufgenommen, indem sie in mehrere Teile gesplittet und gleichzeitig verarbeitet werden. Kompatibel mit allen gängigen Streaming-Diensten: Ob Netflix, Amazon oder YouTube – Sie können alles aufnehmen, was Sie wollen. Wie funktioniert Audials Movie 2025 Die Bedienung von Audials Movie 2025 ist kinderleicht. Nach der Installation wählen Sie einfach den gewünschten Streaming-Dienst und starten die Aufnahme. Die Software erkennt das Video, wählt die beste Qualität und speichert den Film oder die Serie auf Ihrem Gerät. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen zahlreichen Formaten wie MP4, WMV, AVI und vielen mehr. Speichern Sie alle Inhalte – jederzeit und überall Mit Audials Movie 2025 können Sie Inhalte aus Streaming-Diensten dauerhaft sichern, selbst wenn diese später nicht mehr verfügbar sind. So bauen Sie sich Ihre eigene Videothek auf, ganz ohne Sorge, dass Ihre Lieblingsfilme irgendwann verschwinden könnten. Ein weiteres Plus: Mit dem Aufnahmeplaner können Sie ganze Staffeln oder Filmlisten automatisch aufnehmen lassen. Ihre persönliche Videosammlung – organisiert und gepflegt Wer kennt es nicht Man hat unzählige Filme und Serien gespeichert, aber keine Ordnung. Hier kommt das integrierte Mediathek-Management von Audials Movie 2025 ins Spiel. Die Software organisiert Ihre Sammlung automatisch mit Tags und Metadaten, sodass Sie immer den Überblick behalten. So wird das Suchen nach einem bestimmten Titel zum Kinderspiel. Weitere Vorteile von Audials Movie 2025 Keine Werbung: Werbeeinblendungen werden automatisch erkannt und entfernt – für ein ungestörtes Filmerlebnis. Untertitel-Unterstützung: Speichern Sie Untertitel in jeder gewünschten Sprache und fügen Sie diese direkt in Ihre Aufnahmen ein. Videoschnitt-Editor: Mit dem integrierten Editor können Sie Ihre Aufnahmen ganz einfach bearbeiten, unerwünschte Szenen entfernen oder Videos in kleinere Clips schneiden. Breite Formatunterstützung: Unterstützt alle gängigen Videoformate wie MP4, AVI, MKV und viele mehr, in Full HD oder sogar 4K. Immer aktuelle Software: Regelmäßige Updates sorgen dafür, dass Audials Movie 2025 stets mit den neuesten Streaming-Diensten kompatibel bleibt. Streaming-Dienste und Live-Streams aufnehmen Mit Audials Movie 2025 können Sie nicht nur Streaming-Dienste aufnehmen, sondern auch Live-Streams und Mediatheken wie das Erste, ZDF, RTL oder sogar internationale Dienste wie Twitch und Facebook Live. Die Möglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt, und das Beste daran: Die Aufnahmen erfolgen völlig automatisiert und in der besten verfügbaren Qualität. Audials Movie 2025 kaufen und grenzenlosen Filmgenuss erleben Wenn Sie eine zuverlässige und benutzerfreundliche Software suchen, um Ihre Lieblingsinhalte von Streaming-Diensten aufzunehmen, sollten Sie unbedingt Audials Movie 2025 kaufen . Mit Funktionen wie blitzschnellen Aufnahmen, automatischer Werbungserkennung, einem integrierten Videoschnitt-Editor und einer benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche bietet diese Software alles, was Sie brauchen. Bauen Sie sich Ihre eigene Videothek auf, speichern Sie Inhalte in höchster Qualität und genießen Sie jederzeit Ihre Lieblingsfilme – offline und ohne Kompromisse. Systemanforderung Details Betriebssystem Windows 11 und Windows 10 (64 bit) CPU 1 GHz RAM 4 GB Festplattenspeicher 1 GB für die Installation Internetverbindung Breitband-Internetzugang

    Price: 24.67 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Audials Vision 2025
    Audials Vision 2025

    Audials Vision 2025 – Die Zukunft der Medienbearbeitung mit Künstlicher Intelligenz Audials Vision 2025 ist eine hochmoderne Softwarelösung für all jene, die das Maximum aus ihrer Musik- und Videosammlung herausholen möchten. Mit leistungsstarker künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) bietet Audials Vision einzigartige Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung, Bearbeitung und Verwaltung von Medieninhalten. Ob Sie Musik in 96 kHz Studioqualität erleben oder Ihre Lieblingsfilme in 4K hochskalieren möchten – Audials Vision 2025 bietet Ihnen ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis. Das Programm Audials Vision 2025 ist eine umfassende Medienmanagement-Software, die speziell entwickelt wurde, um Musik, Videos und TV-Sendungen in höchster Qualität zu organisieren, zu verbessern und zu genießen. Mit der integrierten KI können unscharfe Videos in gestochen scharfe 4K-Auflösung hochskaliert werden. Gleichzeitig hebt Audials Vision die Qualität Ihrer Musik auf ein völlig neues Niveau, indem es Frequenzen erweitert und die Dynamik von Audiodateien optimiert. Funktionen und Highlights von Audials Vision 2025 KI-unterstützte Videooptimierung: Verwandeln Sie unscharfe und alte Aufnahmen in kristallklare Videos mit bis zu 4K-Auflösung. Die KI analysiert jedes einzelne Bild, entfernt Rauschen und verbessert die Bildschärfe erheblich. Auch alte Heimvideos oder heruntergeladene Filme erhalten durch Audials Vision 2025 eine beeindruckende visuelle Qualität. Studioqualität bei Musik: Audials Vision bringt Ihre Musik auf 96 kHz Studioqualität. Dank der KI werden die Frequenzbereiche von Musiktiteln erweitert, um kristallklare Höhen und detailreiche Tiefen zu erzeugen. Ihre Musik klingt besser als je zuvor – und das gilt sowohl für Ihre bestehende Sammlung als auch für neue Aufnahmen. Schnellere Video-Skalierung dank Cloud-Unterstützung: Nutzen Sie die immense Rechenleistung der Cloud, um Ihre Videos bis zu zehnmal schneller hochzuskalieren. Das Ergebnis sind Filme und Videos in atemberaubender 4K-Qualität, und das in kürzester Zeit. Wählen Sie zwischen schnellen KI-Modellen für sofortige Ergebnisse oder maximieren Sie die Qualität mit detaillierten Optimierungseinstellungen. Videobearbeitungstools: Mit dem integrierten Videoeditor können Sie unerwünschte Teile oder schwarze Balken mühelos aus Ihren Videos entfernen und die bearbeiteten Clips als neue Dateien exportieren. Die Benutzeroberfläche ist intuitiv und ermöglicht eine präzise Bearbeitung Ihrer Videos, ohne dass Sie Experte sein müssen. Multiformat-Unterstützung: Audials Vision unterstützt eine Vielzahl von Formaten, darunter MP3, MP4, AVI, MOV und viele mehr. Egal, welche Datei Sie haben – mit Audials Vision können Sie sie abspielen, konvertieren und in hoher Qualität speichern. Musikorganisation mit intelligenten Tools: Die Software ermöglicht es Ihnen, Ihre Musikbibliothek effizient zu verwalten. Sie können Playlists erstellen, Titel automatisch taggen und fehlende Informationen ergänzen. Dank der KI werden sogar Albumcover und Songtexte automatisch hinzugefügt, um Ihre Sammlung noch ansprechender zu gestalten. Unterstützung von Streaming-Diensten: Audials Vision ermöglicht es Ihnen, Videos und Musik von allen gängigen Streaming-Plattformen aufzunehmen, zu speichern und in höchster Qualität zu konvertieren. So können Sie Ihre Lieblingsinhalte offline genießen, wann und wo Sie möchten. Audials Vision 2025 – Die Vorteile im Überblick Perfektionierte Medienqualität: Mit KI-Optimierungen werden Ihre Audio- und Videodateien auf ein nie dagewesenes Qualitätsniveau gehoben. Einfache Bedienung: Trotz der fortschrittlichen Funktionen bleibt Audials Vision benutzerfreundlich und intuitiv bedienbar. Umfassende Kompatibilität: Unterstützt alle gängigen Dateiformate sowie Streaming-Dienste und bietet erweiterte Funktionen für das Konvertieren und Optimieren. Zukunftssicher: Regelmäßige Updates und neue KI-Modelle sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Medien stets auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik bleiben. Für wen ist Audials Vision 2025 geeignet Audials Vision 2025 richtet sich an alle, die ihre Medien auf höchstem Niveau erleben möchten. Von Musikliebhabern, die Studioqualität genießen wollen, bis hin zu Videofans, die ihre Lieblingsfilme in gestochen scharfer 4K-Qualität sehen möchten – Audials Vision ist die perfekte Lösung für jeden, der das Beste aus seiner Mediensammlung herausholen will. Besonders für Nutzer, die Medien von verschiedenen Plattformen speichern und bearbeiten möchten, bietet Audials Vision umfassende Möglichkeiten. Systemanforderungen Um die bestmögliche Leistung von Audials Vision 2025 zu gewährleisten, sollten die folgenden Systemanforderungen erfüllt werden: Komponente Mindestanforderungen Empfohlene Anforderungen Betriebssystem Windows 10 oder Windows 11 (64-Bit) Windows 10 oder Windows 11 (64-Bit) Prozessor 1,5 GHz CPU Intel i5, i7 oder vergleichbar RAM 4 GB 8 GB oder mehr Festplattenspeicher Mindestens 1 GB für die Installation Mehrere 10 GB für HD-Videoaufnahmen Grafikkarte Integrierte Gra...

    Price: 42.32 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • MAGIX Video Deluxe 2021
    MAGIX Video Deluxe 2021

    MAGIX Movie Edit Pro (2021) Time for better videos The basic version of MAGIX Movie Edit Pro stands out with its beginner-friendly operation and can be used from immediately the latest technology trends in video editing. Practical assistants and efficient functions like the automatic color correction or the fast 1-click image stabilization help you in the shortest time and to cut rousing videos without much previous knowledge. With up to 900 effects, titles, fades and Templates are created from raw footage to create stunning movies, now presented in 8K UltraHD - ideal also for current smartphones with 8K cameras. The new powerful motor the INFUSION Engine 2 now supports the market leading graphics card manufacturers Intel, NVIDIA and AMD and thus enables smooth playback of high-resolution projects up to 8K. Video deluxe 2021. The future is now! 1. media import Import your recordings from video and DSLR cameras or smartphones. In the Video deluxe Mediapool, you can then view your clips and conveniently drag and drop them into your projects. 2. edit videos Your video recordings have once again become longer than the actual celebration? Thin out quickly with the practical editing modes of Video deluxe . 3. miss the finishing touches Some shots are blurred, some too dark or too bright? Video deluxe provides the tools you need to make sure you can still use your favorite clips. Titles, fades and video effects will make your movie perfect. 4. present movies The finished film should be shared with family and friends? Burn DVD and Blu-ray Discs, share your movies online or enjoy the result on TV in highest picture quality up to 8K UltraHD. The highlights: Video deluxe (2021) - Up to 900 effects, titles, templates & fades - Professional image stabilization - Simple color correction - NEW! Unique performance thanks to INFUSION Engine 2 - Import & Output in 4K/UHD - NEW! 8K UltraHD video editing and output Video deluxe Plus (2021) Up to 1,500 effects, titles, templates & fades Detailed color correction Professional image stabilization Burn DVDs & Blu-ray Discs NEW! Unique performance thanks to INFUSION Engine 2 NEW! 8K UltraHD video editing and output Filmlooks Multicam and 360° editing Itinerary animations Video deluxe Premium (2021) Up to 1,500 effects, titles, templates & fades Detailed color correction Professional image stabilization Burn DVDs & Blu-ray Discs NEW! Unique performance thanks to INFUSION Engine 2 NEW! 8K UltraHD video editing and output Filmlooks Multicam and 360° editing Itinerary animations NEW! NewBlue Filters 5 Ultimate (Value: € 299) Complete version comparison

    Price: 28.20 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Kaspersky Internet Security for Android
    Kaspersky Internet Security for Android

    Kaspersky Internet Security for Android Description A lot of information about your life is stored on your smartphone or tablet. So you need to protect it-especially if you lose your device. This security solution helps you protect your mobile life and personal information. Many times excellent protection Powerful mobile security technology protects against viruses and threats by automatically scanning apps and files, blocking dangerous links in text messages and alerting you to suspicious websites. Protection of your privacy The security solution protects your contacts, messages, and protocols from unauthorized access. In addition, you can set a PIN to control access to selected apps using the App Lock feature. You can also filter out unwanted calls and lock, delete or locate the device if it's lost or stolen. You want your smartphones and tablets to work perfectly - with optimal system performance. That's why the security solution works quietly in the background. Secure connection Now you can access more websites and content, including websites outside your region. If you connect to the Internet and the connection isn't secure, the technology automatically protects you from threats-even on public Wi-Fi. User-friendly security solution You can easily manage your protection and go online anywhere - even on Android wearables. Protects against web threats and mobile malware Blocks dangerous websites, apps and links Phishing and spam protection Protects against theft and loss Provides call and SMS filtering Security code for important apps to protect privacy Protects the system performance of your devices Simplifies your security through user-friendly web management

    Price: 5.61 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0

    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0 - 1,2 or 3 Years Protection for on-demand applications Norton Security Deluxe offers valuable protection against threats arising from surfing and other activities on the Internet. Malware and spyware are the most common threats in this context, alongside viruses. Attacks by hackers or malware are reliably detected by Norton. These attacks are blocked in advance and the user is warned. Norton Security Deluxe is therefore an ideal addition to the Windows firewall. Norton Security Deluxe is suitable for private users with high demands as well as for professional requirements. The program is characterized by speed and resource conservation. This has already led to multiple awards for high consumer value. Security for online activities Norton Security Deluxe attaches great importance to the security of sensitive data and also payments, which are among the most frequent transactions on the Internet. Online banking is the classic example where users attach great importance to security through powerful software. Hacker attacks and misuse of data by third parties show that data security is becoming increasingly important and that a professional product such as Norton is needed. Can be used for up to five Devices The deluxe version of the Norton security software can protect up to five Devices of the user. Windows PCs can be protected in the same way as Mac computers. Norton Security Deluxe can also protect Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This means that users can carry out online activities such as online banking on the move without having to worry about viruses, spyware or malware attacks. User-friendliness as the hobbyhorse of Norton Security Deluxe User-friendliness is a top priority in the Norton systems and also in the Deluxe version. The user interface is easy to use and does not require a great deal of training. Convenience starts right from the installation stage: the program is simply activated using the activation key supplied. Even inexperienced users can handle the program well and avoid mistakes that open the door to viruses. Device management on the Internet Anyone who protects five Devices with a single subscription needs an overview. As a result, Norton provides users of the Deluxe version with an Internet portal that makes it easier to manage Devices. This means that every user is kept up to date and can implement their individual requirements for the protection of Devices. Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined ...

    Price: 14.08 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0

    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0 - 1,2 or 3 Years Protection for on-demand applications Norton Security Deluxe offers valuable protection against threats arising from surfing and other activities on the Internet. Malware and spyware are the most common threats in this context, alongside viruses. Attacks by hackers or malware are reliably detected by Norton. These attacks are blocked in advance and the user is warned. Norton Security Deluxe is therefore an ideal addition to the Windows firewall. Norton Security Deluxe is suitable for private users with high demands as well as for professional requirements. The program is characterized by speed and resource conservation. This has already led to multiple awards for high consumer value. Security for online activities Norton Security Deluxe attaches great importance to the security of sensitive data and also payments, which are among the most frequent transactions on the Internet. Online banking is the classic example where users attach great importance to security through powerful software. Hacker attacks and misuse of data by third parties show that data security is becoming increasingly important and that a professional product such as Norton is needed. Can be used for up to five Devices The deluxe version of the Norton security software can protect up to five Devices of the user. Windows PCs can be protected in the same way as Mac computers. Norton Security Deluxe can also protect Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This means that users can carry out online activities such as online banking on the move without having to worry about viruses, spyware or malware attacks. User-friendliness as the hobbyhorse of Norton Security Deluxe User-friendliness is a top priority in the Norton systems and also in the Deluxe version. The user interface is easy to use and does not require a great deal of training. Convenience starts right from the installation stage: the program is simply activated using the activation key supplied. Even inexperienced users can handle the program well and avoid mistakes that open the door to viruses. Device management on the Internet Anyone who protects five Devices with a single subscription needs an overview. As a result, Norton provides users of the Deluxe version with an Internet portal that makes it easier to manage Devices. This means that every user is kept up to date and can implement their individual requirements for the protection of Devices. Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined ...

    Price: 31.73 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0

    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0 - 1,2 or 3 Years Protection for on-demand applications Norton Security Deluxe offers valuable protection against threats arising from surfing and other activities on the Internet. Malware and spyware are the most common threats in this context, alongside viruses. Attacks by hackers or malware are reliably detected by Norton. These attacks are blocked in advance and the user is warned. Norton Security Deluxe is therefore an ideal addition to the Windows firewall. Norton Security Deluxe is suitable for private users with high demands as well as for professional requirements. The program is characterized by speed and resource conservation. This has already led to multiple awards for high consumer value. Security for online activities Norton Security Deluxe attaches great importance to the security of sensitive data and also payments, which are among the most frequent transactions on the Internet. Online banking is the classic example where users attach great importance to security through powerful software. Hacker attacks and misuse of data by third parties show that data security is becoming increasingly important and that a professional product such as Norton is needed. Can be used for up to five Devices The deluxe version of the Norton security software can protect up to five Devices of the user. Windows PCs can be protected in the same way as Mac computers. Norton Security Deluxe can also protect Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This means that users can carry out online activities such as online banking on the move without having to worry about viruses, spyware or malware attacks. User-friendliness as the hobbyhorse of Norton Security Deluxe User-friendliness is a top priority in the Norton systems and also in the Deluxe version. The user interface is easy to use and does not require a great deal of training. Convenience starts right from the installation stage: the program is simply activated using the activation key supplied. Even inexperienced users can handle the program well and avoid mistakes that open the door to viruses. Device management on the Internet Anyone who protects five Devices with a single subscription needs an overview. As a result, Norton provides users of the Deluxe version with an Internet portal that makes it easier to manage Devices. This means that every user is kept up to date and can implement their individual requirements for the protection of Devices. Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined ...

    Price: 42.32 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0

    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0 - 1,2 or 3 Years Protection for on-demand applications Norton Security Deluxe offers valuable protection against threats arising from surfing and other activities on the Internet. Malware and spyware are the most common threats in this context, alongside viruses. Attacks by hackers or malware are reliably detected by Norton. These attacks are blocked in advance and the user is warned. Norton Security Deluxe is therefore an ideal addition to the Windows firewall. Norton Security Deluxe is suitable for private users with high demands as well as for professional requirements. The program is characterized by speed and resource conservation. This has already led to multiple awards for high consumer value. Security for online activities Norton Security Deluxe attaches great importance to the security of sensitive data and also payments, which are among the most frequent transactions on the Internet. Online banking is the classic example where users attach great importance to security through powerful software. Hacker attacks and misuse of data by third parties show that data security is becoming increasingly important and that a professional product such as Norton is needed. Can be used for up to five Devices The deluxe version of the Norton security software can protect up to five Devices of the user. Windows PCs can be protected in the same way as Mac computers. Norton Security Deluxe can also protect Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This means that users can carry out online activities such as online banking on the move without having to worry about viruses, spyware or malware attacks. User-friendliness as the hobbyhorse of Norton Security Deluxe User-friendliness is a top priority in the Norton systems and also in the Deluxe version. The user interface is easy to use and does not require a great deal of training. Convenience starts right from the installation stage: the program is simply activated using the activation key supplied. Even inexperienced users can handle the program well and avoid mistakes that open the door to viruses. Device management on the Internet Anyone who protects five Devices with a single subscription needs an overview. As a result, Norton provides users of the Deluxe version with an Internet portal that makes it easier to manage Devices. This means that every user is kept up to date and can implement their individual requirements for the protection of Devices. Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined ...

    Price: 17.61 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0

    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0 - 1,2 or 3 Years Protection for on-demand applications Norton Security Deluxe offers valuable protection against threats arising from surfing and other activities on the Internet. Malware and spyware are the most common threats in this context, alongside viruses. Attacks by hackers or malware are reliably detected by Norton. These attacks are blocked in advance and the user is warned. Norton Security Deluxe is therefore an ideal addition to the Windows firewall. Norton Security Deluxe is suitable for private users with high demands as well as for professional requirements. The program is characterized by speed and resource conservation. This has already led to multiple awards for high consumer value. Security for online activities Norton Security Deluxe attaches great importance to the security of sensitive data and also payments, which are among the most frequent transactions on the Internet. Online banking is the classic example where users attach great importance to security through powerful software. Hacker attacks and misuse of data by third parties show that data security is becoming increasingly important and that a professional product such as Norton is needed. Can be used for up to five Devices The deluxe version of the Norton security software can protect up to five Devices of the user. Windows PCs can be protected in the same way as Mac computers. Norton Security Deluxe can also protect Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This means that users can carry out online activities such as online banking on the move without having to worry about viruses, spyware or malware attacks. User-friendliness as the hobbyhorse of Norton Security Deluxe User-friendliness is a top priority in the Norton systems and also in the Deluxe version. The user interface is easy to use and does not require a great deal of training. Convenience starts right from the installation stage: the program is simply activated using the activation key supplied. Even inexperienced users can handle the program well and avoid mistakes that open the door to viruses. Device management on the Internet Anyone who protects five Devices with a single subscription needs an overview. As a result, Norton provides users of the Deluxe version with an Internet portal that makes it easier to manage Devices. This means that every user is kept up to date and can implement their individual requirements for the protection of Devices. Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined ...

    Price: 38.79 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0

    Symantec Norton Security Deluxe 3.0 - 1,2 or 3 Years Protection for on-demand applications Norton Security Deluxe offers valuable protection against threats arising from surfing and other activities on the Internet. Malware and spyware are the most common threats in this context, alongside viruses. Attacks by hackers or malware are reliably detected by Norton. These attacks are blocked in advance and the user is warned. Norton Security Deluxe is therefore an ideal addition to the Windows firewall. Norton Security Deluxe is suitable for private users with high demands as well as for professional requirements. The program is characterized by speed and resource conservation. This has already led to multiple awards for high consumer value. Security for online activities Norton Security Deluxe attaches great importance to the security of sensitive data and also payments, which are among the most frequent transactions on the Internet. Online banking is the classic example where users attach great importance to security through powerful software. Hacker attacks and misuse of data by third parties show that data security is becoming increasingly important and that a professional product such as Norton is needed. Can be used for up to five Devices The deluxe version of the Norton security software can protect up to five Devices of the user. Windows PCs can be protected in the same way as Mac computers. Norton Security Deluxe can also protect Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. This means that users can carry out online activities such as online banking on the move without having to worry about viruses, spyware or malware attacks. User-friendliness as the hobbyhorse of Norton Security Deluxe User-friendliness is a top priority in the Norton systems and also in the Deluxe version. The user interface is easy to use and does not require a great deal of training. Convenience starts right from the installation stage: the program is simply activated using the activation key supplied. Even inexperienced users can handle the program well and avoid mistakes that open the door to viruses. Device management on the Internet Anyone who protects five Devices with a single subscription needs an overview. As a result, Norton provides users of the Deluxe version with an Internet portal that makes it easier to manage Devices. This means that every user is kept up to date and can implement their individual requirements for the protection of Devices. Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined ...

    Price: 49.38 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security 3.0

    Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined dedication and expertise brings numerous benefits to its customers. Norton products regularly outperform their competitors in independent comparative tests. Only Norton products have been awarded PC Magazine's "Editor's Choice" award 37 times, including 12 Years in a row - more often than any other security company. What does this mean for you? When you buy Norton Security, you get one of the best security products on the market today. It's as simple as that. A promise of protection from Norton that you can count on. Because Norton is completely confident in its protection, there is the Virus Protection Promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help you keep your Devices virus-free. The new Norton Security brings the best of Norton? to the Device of your choice a PC, a Mac®, a smartphone or a tablet. Easily protect your PC or Mac® from viruses, online threats, identity theft and financial fraud. Or protect your smartphone or tablet against loss and unwanted access to messages, contacts and photos. You choose Device, and Norton? Security makes sure it stays safe. It's that easy to get all-round protection. Login/registration with Norton is required for activation . Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help you keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Scope of delivery: Original license key to download & register the product. Verified high-speed download link to obtain the software quickly & securely. Invoice with VAT shown. Instructions for easy installation. Note: This offer does not include a product key sticker (COA label). This offer is aimed at private individuals as well as companies, business customers, authorities, organizations, schools, communities and churches. Norton Security Standard offers comprehensive protection - recommended for your PC or Mac: Protects against viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats. Protects your identity and online transactions. Best ranked consumer security service for your various Devices. Includes Norton's Virus Protection Promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help you keep your device(s) virus-free. Norton Security Deluxe protects all the data on your various devices. Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets Provides an easy-to-use web portal where you can conveniently manage protection for your different Devices devices Protects your online identity and transactions. Provides fast and powerful protection. Includes Norton's Virus Protection Promise: ...

    Price: 10.55 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £
  • Symantec Norton Security 3.0
    Symantec Norton Security 3.0

    Norton sees more, analyzes more and fends off more online threats than ever before. How long does it take for malware to infect your brand new computer ? If you're relying on free or low-quality security software, maybe not too long. Cyber criminals are more cunning than ever before. They use a diverse arsenal of tools to gain access to your data. Other security products may not have the resources to keep up with new threats as they emerge. Norton products do. The more dangerous threats become, the better the products get. Teams of security experts are constantly analyzing new threats and developing innovative ways to protect your Devices from these threats. Norton focuses exclusively on security and provides one of the world's most successful security services. Norton's combined dedication and expertise brings numerous benefits to its customers. Norton products regularly outperform their competitors in independent comparative tests. Only Norton products have been awarded PC Magazine's "Editor's Choice" award 37 times, including 12 Years in a row - more often than any other security company. What does this mean for you? When you buy Norton Security, you get one of the best security products on the market today. It's as simple as that. A promise of protection from Norton that you can count on. Because Norton is completely confident in its protection, there is the Virus Protection Promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help you keep your Devices virus-free. The new Norton Security brings the best of Norton? to the Device of your choice a PC, a Mac®, a smartphone or a tablet. Easily protect your PC or Mac® from viruses, online threats, identity theft and financial fraud. Or protect your smartphone or tablet against loss and unwanted access to messages, contacts and photos. You choose Device, and Norton? Security makes sure it stays safe. It's that easy to get all-round protection. Login/registration with Norton is required for activation . Product comparison Norton Security Standard Norton Security Deluxe Norton Security Premium Recommended for: 1 PC, 1 Mac or 1 mobile device Up to 5 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Up to 10 PCs, Macs, smartphones or tablets Helps protect against ransomware, viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ State-of-the-art security technologies help protect your private information and financial data when you go online ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Leverages one of the world's largest civilian cyber intelligence networks to detect threats faster ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects your home network with an intelligent firewall ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Provides access to customer support for expert help from a Norton technician ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Top-ranked consumer security software for overall protection and performance ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Includes our virus protection promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help you keep your device(s) virus free. ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets with just one subscription ✔️ ✔️ Provides a user-friendly web portal that allows you to conveniently manage protection for your various Devices ✔️ ✔️ Includes premium parental controls to protect the family so your children can explore your online world safely ✔️ Provides automatic backup protection for your photos, financial documents and other important files on your Windows PC ✔️ Includes 25 GB of secure cloud storage for your PC, with the option to add additional storage if required ✔️ Scope of delivery: Original license key to download & register the product. Verified high-speed download link to obtain the software quickly & securely. Invoice with VAT shown. Instructions for easy installation. Note: This offer does not include a product key sticker (COA label). This offer is aimed at private individuals as well as companies, business customers, authorities, organizations, schools, communities and churches. Norton Security Standard offers comprehensive protection - recommended for your PC or Mac: Protects against viruses, spyware, malware and other online threats. Protects your identity and online transactions. Best ranked consumer security service for your various Devices. Includes Norton's Virus Protection Promise: From the moment you subscribe to the product, a Norton expert is available to help you keep your device(s) virus-free. Norton Security Deluxe protects all the data on your various devices. Protects multiple PCs, Macs, smartphones and tablets Provides an easy-to-use web portal where you can conveniently manage protection for your different Devices devices Protects your online identity and transactions. Provides fast and powerful protection. Includes Norton's Virus Protection Promise: ...

    Price: 14.08 £ | Shipping*: 0.00 £

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    Performance can be lost in various systems and processes due to a number of factors. In technology, performance can be lost due to outdated hardware, software bugs, or inefficient coding. In sports, performance can be lost due to injuries, lack of training, or poor nutrition. In business, performance can be lost due to ineffective leadership, lack of motivation, or inefficient processes. Overall, performance can be lost when there are obstacles or deficiencies that hinder the optimal functioning of a system or individual.

  • What is the difference between peak performance and ultimate performance?

    Peak performance refers to the highest level of performance that an individual or a system can achieve at a specific point in time. It represents the optimal level of output or efficiency. On the other hand, ultimate performance refers to the absolute highest level of performance that is theoretically possible, without any limitations or constraints. Ultimate performance represents the pinnacle of achievement and is often seen as the ideal or perfect level of performance. While peak performance is attainable and can be sustained for a period of time, ultimate performance may be more aspirational and may not be sustainable in the long term.

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    Academic performance refers to a student's overall achievement in their studies, taking into account their grades, class participation, and overall understanding of the material. It encompasses a broader view of a student's learning and development over time. On the other hand, exam performance specifically refers to how well a student performs on a particular exam or test. It is a more narrow and specific measure of a student's understanding and retention of the material at a particular point in time. While academic performance takes into account a student's overall progress, exam performance focuses on a single assessment.

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    The Fox 38 Performance Elite is known for its excellent performance in aggressive trail and enduro riding. It offers a stiff chassis and smooth suspension action, providing great support and control on rough terrain. The Grip2 damper and EVOL air spring system also contribute to its impressive performance, allowing riders to adjust the suspension to their preferences and tackle challenging trails with confidence. Overall, the Fox 38 Performance Elite is highly regarded for its responsiveness, stability, and ability to handle demanding riding conditions.

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    Yes, it can affect performance. Poor mental health can lead to decreased concentration, motivation, and productivity. It can also result in increased absenteeism and presenteeism, where employees are physically present but not fully functioning due to mental health issues. Additionally, poor mental health can impact decision-making and problem-solving abilities, ultimately affecting overall job performance. Therefore, it is important for employers to prioritize mental health in the workplace to support their employees' well-being and performance.

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  • Is performance 2 sufficient?

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    Performance pressure refers to the stress or expectations placed on an individual to perform well in a particular task or situation. This pressure can come from external sources such as supervisors, teammates, or audience members, as well as internal sources like self-imposed standards or goals. Performance pressure can lead to feelings of anxiety, fear of failure, and a sense of being judged, which can impact an individual's ability to perform at their best. Learning to manage and cope with performance pressure is important for maintaining confidence and achieving success in various aspects of life.

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  • What is performance anxiety?

    Performance anxiety is a type of social anxiety that occurs when an individual feels extreme nervousness or fear about performing a task in front of others. This can manifest in various situations such as public speaking, taking a test, or performing on stage. Symptoms may include sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, and difficulty concentrating. It can be debilitating and impact an individual's ability to perform at their best.

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    Performance losses refer to the decrease in efficiency or effectiveness of a system, process, or individual. These losses can be caused by various factors such as equipment malfunctions, human error, lack of training, or external factors like environmental conditions. Performance losses can result in decreased productivity, increased costs, and lower quality of output. Identifying and addressing performance losses is important for maintaining optimal performance and achieving desired outcomes.

  • Which key performance indicators provide information about the performance of the motherboard?

    Key performance indicators that provide information about the performance of the motherboard include CPU temperature, CPU usage, RAM usage, and system stability. Monitoring these indicators can help assess the overall health and efficiency of the motherboard. Additionally, benchmarks such as PCMark and 3DMark can also provide insights into the motherboard's performance compared to other systems.

* All prices are inclusive of VAT and, if applicable, plus shipping costs. The offer information is based on the details provided by the respective shop and is updated through automated processes. Real-time updates do not occur, so deviations can occur in individual cases.